
Punky: Me, Kelly. [points to himself]

Me: You’re kelly?

Punky: Yep…….[pause] No, me, Corey! [points to himself again]

Mom: You’re Corey? Where did my “Punky” go?

Punky: Me, teasin’ Mommy!

Yes, Punky has now mastered the word, “teasing.”    That’s a new one!

2 thoughts on “Teasing…..

  1. That’s so cute! It’s fun when our little ones learn new words.

    My little boy says, “I was only kidding” to try to get out of trouble when he says naughty things.

  2. AWW… baby teasin! When my little girl was 2, she would tell everyone that she was 5… “I FIVE!”.

    sigh… man do I wish she was five now.

    Happy Birthday!

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